Shower Thought

“Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days” (Ephesians 5:16 NLT).

Thursday, I spent my evening shower time contemplating a problem. Earlier that day, I decided to go to the grocery store after work. This particular store does not have any self-checkout counters so even though I only had a few items, I waited in a long line. I try not to stare at the other patrons or to involve myself in their personal space especially when they are paying. However, I couldn’t help but notice the man in front of me only had one item, a jug of milk. He told the cashier his card might not have money on it. I didn’t think much of it, lots of people use more than one form of payment. When it declined the man handed her a different card. I stopped paying attention because I thought this would be it and we would move on. Well… the man moved on, but his milk did not. I realized too late he left his milk because he didn’t have money to pay for it. This man only wanted a gallon of milk, something less than $5. My heart hit rock bottom. I could have paid for that. It was so little. But I didn’t, it didn’t even occur to me until the man was gone and I wasn’t even sure what he looked like.

A guilty cloud clung to me the whole way home. I prayed for God to forgive me. I had messed up, but no amount of praying would give that man his milk nor did it seem to relieve my guilt. It wasn’t until I was in the shower, talking with God that the truth rained down on me like the water from the showerhead, and my guilt evaporated like steam. It isn’t enough to passively drift through life helping only those asking for it. No, I must actively look for opportunities to help others. If I had helped that man, perhaps he would have gone home praising God. Perhaps the cashier or the other people around us would have been given something to consider? As Jesus did, so must I do. I must actively pay attention for every opportunity to show others who God is through not just my words, but my actions. I might have missed this opportunity, but God used it to impress upon me an important lesson, one I seem to need reminding of. God is the Master of making the most of every situation, may we all learn from Him!